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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Twilight Princess is Boring! =(

So I finally got a copy of Twilight Princess for the Game Cube. I have been really excited to try it because I love the Zelda games and have heard that it was the best one yet.
I never finished Windwalker, although I did play it a fair bit. I got bored of it, either because of all the travel time, or because whenever I'd be playing it I'd be thinking, "I could be making gold in WoW right now, or leveling, or something! What am I doing wasting my time on another game?!" lol . . .
I've been playing my WoW a bit less these days though, and have managed to stay interested in quite a few other games, so I had high hopes of sitting down with Twilight Princess and getting caught up and lost for days while I played.
The graphics are fun. Link looks cool and I like that you could name Epona and Link (although I went with Epona because I just couldn't see naming her anything else, lol). It was entertaining running around that first village for a bit, but eventually I started the storyline. I was shocked at how slow moving it was, like even the conversation is slow. Usually the Zelda games keep me hooked on the storyline and side quests, but so far it has been like pulling teeth as I try to stick it out until something interesting happens!
Maybe I have just lost my patience for games, but I have been playing for 6 hours and I keep having to take breaks because it is putting me to sleep! The forest temple had some interesting bits and cool puzzles, but nothing I didn't figure out immediately. The older Zelda games always got me really thinking as I tried to solve some of the puzzles, but so far Twilight Princess has been pretty simple.
One of my favorite parts of Ocarina of Time was that you could run around and do things as you pleased. Yeah there was an order the temples had to be attempted in and certain parts of the game were shut off for a while until you did other things, but there was so much to do and so much to see in Hyrule Field! Twilight Princess is nothing like that yet. I haven't found any little side puzzles and you are forced to go from place to place as the story progresses. There is no exploring.
Maybe I just haven't given it a chance yet and am being too critical. I do intend on playing through the game, even if it does seem more like a chore than an enjoyable gaming experience. I am very curious to see if the game does get better farther in, which will probably be the only thing keeping the controller in my hands . . .
I am sure a lot of people will disagree with my opinion of the game because before I tried it I had heard only good things about it. I am really interested though, does it get better? I just freed the village children, and so far nothing has been really enjoyable about the game, so does it pick up as I get farther? I hope so! Maybe I am playing it wrong or something, lol I refuse to give up hope on a Zelda game though, because they have always been my favorite! Let me know what you think!


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dvd said...

i believe you are right about you lost patience for games. zelda game require a lot of time and dedication to be enjoyed. I find the combat system very enjoyable.
With twilight they added more quality to the Zelda games. But it's true that they didn't do a lot of new things for this Zelda besides the new wii controller.
I have just played it once. But didn't got all the hearths or ended all the side-quests and loose ends that I encountered. I wanted to get back and start over but now I have more games that want to master like Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros Brawl.
Anyway I've been told that the Phantom Hourglass is very innovative and fun.

Jennie said...

Thank you for your comment! =) I always have to play through completely... all hearts and everything, so I am sure this game will take me forever to get around to beating... lol. I did get to the sumo wrestling part the other day, and that was fun =)