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Monday, March 3, 2008

Fav Xbox and Game Cube games

Gamecube: So I only recently bought a Gamecube actually. I don't have many games for the system yet, and really only bought it for my two favorites!

Legend of Zelda: Wind Walker:

I have loved all the Zelda games that I have tried, so I figured I needed to try this one! I did like it. It was cool sailing around everywhere in the little dragon boat and was an interesting story idea, but I found I got impatient with it. It just seemed like you spend 80% of the time travelling around and only 20% actually getting anything accomplished. Maybe I've just gotten more impatient with games, but I think this is probably my least favorite of all the Zelda games I have played.

Mario Kart: Double Dash: This Mario Kart is probably my favorite out of all of them. It's a bit harder, but I enjoy it a lot more than the other ones. I like that you can be Princess Daisy too! Peach is cool and all but I was sort of getting sick of her from all the other Mario Karts, lol. I like how you have the option to team up in multi player rather than only racing against each other, that was a nice twist. Peach Beach is my favorite place to race in this game!

Xbox Games: I have tried a lot of games for the original xbox, but I didn't fall in love with that many of them. Here are my favorites in no particular order:

So of course this has to be one of my favorites, lol. I loved playing this game multi player, especially capture the flag. I liked Halo 2 as well, but was disappointed with the story length. I played it through on cooperative, and at the end I turned to my friend and was like, "the end", but as a joke, and it turned out it really was the end, lol.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind:
Definitely one of the best games I have ever played! I have always been into anything AD&Dish, and this game reminded me of it. I loved how big the world was and how much there was to do! It took me forever to eventually get to the actual main storyline quest because of all the side quests I was doing! I spent so much time organizing and decorating the houses I took over, lol!

Need For Speed(all of them!):
I had never really been fond of any racing games before I tried the Need for Speed games on the Xbox. I really got into them though! I loved how you could decorate your cars and make money to upgrade them. Hot Pursuit was awesomely fun, I loved racing while trying to avoid or destroy the police, lol. I still throw one of these games in and play them from time to time, lol.

I played through this game as Ursula (the fact that you could be a girl character was probably why I got into it in the first place). I liked how you built up your group of Gladiators as you travelled through the story and how the gladiators had back stories. It was a cool little game, and I have been meaning to play through it again. I only have a Gamecube copy now, but I assume it would be the same as the Xbox one I originally played.

Knights of the Old Republic:
I loved everything about this game!!! It was awesome that your main character could be a female and it was so cool to be able to decide your alignment! Your main character's relationships with her party members was so interesting that I was instantly hooked on this game! I played through the game on the good side (mostly) but at the end my friend convinced me to check out the dark side ending. I was so shocked with what happened and what my character did that I almost cried!!! I was really attached to my party members I guess, lol. Oh, and I was totally in love with Carth!

The Sims, The Sims 2, Bustin' Out: I had always been a big fan of all the Sims computer games, and had all the expansions, so of course I liked the Xbox versions! It was cool to actually have a motive in the game for once, but I still like the computer versions best because of all the additional downloadable content.

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