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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Too Many Games, Not Enough Time!

Forgive my recent slacking in the blog area! I just got my Internet connection back not long ago, just in time for every game I have been waiting for to come out, all in like a three month period! I didn't have trouble deciding between games, because I just got them all, lol, but now I have a new problem! I don't have enough time to play all these games to their full potential!

I got Rock Band 2 first, and played that ALMOST all the way through, but I didn't have XBL then, so I haven't actually tried much of the online play yet, which I really want to do, but I just haven't found the time. I then got Gears of War 2. I LOVED GoW1, and chainsawed the hell out of people, but I have barely even touched GoW2 yet! I played Fallout 3 for a couple hours. It is awesome, and I love it, but I've only actually sat down and played it twice! Then there is Wrath of the Litch King, which did absorb a week of my life there, but even my old vice World of Warcraft, isn't getting the obsessive attention it rightfully deserves!!! I also bought Fable 2, and CoD World at War, but haven't even had a chance to play them once yet!!!

I get that everyone brings out their new games around Christmas time, but c'mon! It's just too many really good games all at the same time! I am overwhelmed! Needless to say they are all fantastic and you should make sure Santa knows you want them all!

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