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Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Another Funny Bug
So, I was playing a new WoW character with my friend the other day, and all of a sudden his draenei looked like this!!! I have no idea how or why, but it was hilarious, so I thought I'd share! ^^
Bored on WoW? Here's my new WotLK updated What to Do When Bored on Wow List!
Just as an update, my pre-WotLK list included the following: Ironforge Square Jumping, Stormwind Fountain Dancing, Random Whispers, Exploring Ironforge, Hide and Seek/ Duck Duck Goose, Killing Tram Rats, Sewer Beast Hunting, Dueling, Follow People, Selling Cats... If you want to know more about any of these ideas, check out my previous post here.
#10. T-T-T TRIVIA - Start your own game of WoW (or anything) related trivia in trade chat. Then keep score of who answers the most correctly and hand out (non expensive) prizes. Not only will it be something to keep you occupied, people really like prizes! So, you might make some new friends. I believe there is even a downloadable trivia addon for the game, but, making your own questions can be more fun! Just make sure you actually know the answers so you don't look like a noob!
#9. Start A Riot - Bring up one of thoes horribly annoying topics in trade chat (ie: Chuck Norris, Yetis, Politics, etc) But do it in a way that people will actually respond to you, like OmG Chuck Norris DIED! or Canada is so much better than USA, Haz Ne1 seen Yetis on a Plane, lol. Then watch it take over trade chat, you can even take part!
#8. LF Soul Mate - Start spamming trade LF Soulmate. Be funny and creative, but also pathetic! Not only will it give you a laugh if anyone seriously responds, everyone who reads it will laugh too! Believe it or not, I got this idea from someone who was SERIOUSLY looking for their soulmate in trade chat... I mean, I know people sometimes meet on WoW and get married, a girl I knew in highschool just did! But c'mon, spamming trade for love FtL...
#7. Make A New Alt - I get bored on WoW a lot, which is why I reached the 50 characters limit across all servers ><
#6. Eyes of the Beast - So what hardcore WoWer doesn't have at least a lvl 60 hunter?? Get on your hunter, get out your pet, find some of the opposite faction players, (preferably nooby low lvl ones) and start following them around with your pet while hiding somewhere nearby. Don't do anything other than follow them, stopping when they do, looking at what they do, it's scary for them to see a
#5. Professions - Yeah, this isn't going to cure your boredom blues, but c'mon, it's practical! Level up those professions, or if they are leveled, level them up on all your alts! It really is nice being able to provide yourself with all you need regardless of the profession required to create it! If you have ALL your alts professions leveled already (/bow) then go pick some flowers, make them into inscription ink and sell them or something!
#4. Lil Game Hunter - Go find yourself some pets!!! Even if it is just to sell, lol. There are so many farmable pets that now go for so much money because of the vanity pet achievements! My recommendation would be farming for the firefly or the disgusting oozling! On my server they sell for 4000g, and I've farmed 2 fireflies and the Oozeling. It does take a while, but if you do it every time you're bored, you are going to find one! And who wouldn't want to be 4k g richer?! Or, kill pirates around Booty Bay for the Hyasynth Macaw! That little jerk goes for like 13k! It's an impossible drop rate though, lol.
#3. Lowbie Assassination - This one is a little cruel, but bored WoWers are a dangerous thing, right?? Find somewhere that a lowbie (like lvl 12 and under) has to kill mobs that are your race. That in itself may be a difficult task, but unless you're a draenei you should be able to manage! Then you find gear that looks like the lowbie mobs, put it on, flag as PvP and wait for an unsuspecting noob to approach. When they do, start wandering around like an NPC and just wait for them to attack you! When they do, BAM, one shot them! Laughs all around every time!
#2. DESTROY Old Content - There is nothing more satisfying than ripping apart old raid dungeons with a couple of your closest 80 friends! Or, if you're running solo, kill trash mobs in like Zul Gurrub or Ahn Quiraj or something! You might even get some crappy low level epics!!! Or, go get yourself some bijous and get exalted with the Zandalar Tribe!
#1. ACHIEVEMENTS!!!! - Can I just say, hats off Blizz! As if people already didn't have a hard enough time logging off Azeroth! They took one of the things I love most about my 360, and added it to WoW! I am sure you have all noticed the achievement tab, so just scan through it, see if there are any you'd like to do! * They add more like every patch, so if you think you did everything you wanted to already, it is worth it to have another look through!!
I hope my newly updated bored on WoW list helps!!! If there's anything I didn't mention that you do, please leave a comment and let me know what it is! I am always looking for new ways to occupy myself! Thanx!
LGG <3>
bored on WoW,
things to do,
World of Warcraft,
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