This guide will be a quick run down of 50 pets that are attainable to get you the achievement and Stinker the Skunk. If you've never collected pets before and are starting from scratch, no problem! If you've never sprung for a collector's edition so you have no special pets, no problem! If you've never picked up a Holiday pet, there are still 50 pets you can get!!!
Now, if you're going for the 75 pet achievement, that's a different story... but I'll get into that later!
I've organized my list into how the pets are attained, so if you prefer purchasing pets rather than farming them, or if you don't mind waiting for World Events to avoid farming and spending your gold, then you can easily pick out which pets you are going to get, and how! If you don't mind farming, have the required rep with all the factions, and don't mind putting up the gold, getting Stinker really doesn't take long!
*for pets that are only available to either Alliance or Horde, don't forget that you can most likely get them in the neutral auction house!!!
Sorry that some words are cut off, but blog just isn't wide enough to hold all this info!!! lol
# | Pet | Faction | How to Get It |
The Following Pets Can Simply Be Purchased From The Appropriate Vendors | |||
1 | Ancona Chicken | Neutral | Magus Tirth - Thousand Needles - Shimmering Flats |
2 | Black Kingsnake | Horde | Xan'tish - Orgimmar |
3 | Blue Dragonhawk Hatchling | Neutral | Dealer Rashaad - Netherstorm - Stormspire |
4 | Blue Moth | Alliance | Sixx - The Exodar |
5 | Bombay Cat | Alliance | Donni Athania (Crazy Cat Lady) Elwyn Forest |
6 | Brown Prairie Dog | Horde | Halpa - Thunderbluff |
7 | Brown Rabbit | Neutral | Dealer Rashaad - Netherstorm - Stormspire |
8 | Brown Kingsnake | Horde | Xan'tish - Orgimmar |
9 | Cockatiel | Neutral | Narkk - Stranglethorn Vale - Booty Bay |
10 | Cockroach | Neutral/Horde | Dealer Rashaad - Netherstorm - Stormspire or Jeremiah Payson - Undercity |
11 | Cornish Rex | Alliance | Donni Athania (Crazy Cat Lady) Elwyn Forest |
12 | Crimson Snake | Horde | Xan'tish - Orgimmar |
13 | Ghostly Skull | Neutral | Darahir - Dalaran - Sewers |
14 | Mana Wyrmling | Neutral | Dealer Rashaad - Netherstorm - Stormspire |
15 | Golden Dragonhawk Hatchling | Horde | Jilanne - Eversong Woods - Fairbreeze Villiage |
16 | Great Horned Owl | Alliance | Shylenai - Darnasas |
17 | Hawk Owl | Alliance | Shylenai - Darnasas |
18 | Orange Tabby | Alliance | Donni Athania (Crazy Cat Lady) Elwyn Forest |
19 | Red Dragonhawk Hatchling | Horde | Jilanne - Eversong Woods - Fairbreeze Villiage |
20 | Red Moth | Alliance | Sixx - The Exodar |
21 | Senegal | Neutral | Narkk - Stranglethorn Vale - Booty Bay or Rashaad - Netherstorm - Stormspire |
22 | Siamese Cat | Neutral | Dealer Rashaad - Netherstorm - Stormspire or Dropped off Cookie in Deadmines |
23 | Silver Dragonhawk Hatchling | Horde | Jilanne - Eversong Woods - Fairbreeze Villiage |
24 | Silver Tabby | Alliance | Donni Athania (Crazy Cat Lady) Elwyn Forest |
25 | Snowshoe Rabbit | Alliance | Yarlin Amberstill - Dun Morogh |
26 | White Kitten | Alliance | Little Timmy - Stormwind |
27 | White Moth | Alliance | Sixx - The Exodar |
28 | Yellow Moth | Alliance | Sixx - The Exodar |
The Following Pets Can Be Purchased Once A Level of Reputation if Gained With the Appropriate Faction | |||
29 | Nether Wray Fry | Skyguard | Exalted |
30 | Pengu | Kalu'ak | Exalted |
31 | Tiny Spore Bat | Sporegar | Exalted |
32 | Cobra Hatchling | Oracles | Revered |
33 | Tickburd Hatchling | Oracles | Revered |
34 | White Tickbird Hatchling | Oracles | Revered |
35 | Proto-Drake Welp | Oracles | Revered |
The Following Pets Can Be Crafted and Will Probably Have to be Purchased In The Auction House | |||
36 | Lifelike Toad | Neutral | Engineering |
37 | Mechanical Squirrel | Neutral | Engineering |
38 | Tranquil Mechanical Yeti | Neutral | Engineering |
The Following Pets Can Be Obtained In Instances or Through Quests | |||
39 | Green Wing Macaw | Neutral | Drops in Deadmines |
40 | Jubling | Neutral | Obtained from Darkmoon Faire (requires Dark Iron Ale From BRD) |
41 | Mechanical Chicken | Neutral | Obtained after completing the OOX escorts in Ferelas, Tanaris and Hinterlands |
42 | Miniwing | Neutral | Obtained after completing an Escort Quest in the Bone Wastes of Terrokar |
43 | Smolderweb Hatchling | Neutral | Obtained after completing a Quest in Burning Stepps to go to LBRS |
44 | Worg Pup | Neutral | Obtained after completing a Quest in Burning Stepps to go to LBRS |
45 | Sprite Darter Hatchling | Neutral | Quest Chain Starts in Feralas |
46 | Phoenix Hatchling | Neutral | Obtained from Kael Thas in Sunwell Plateau |
47 | Westfall Chicken | Alliance | Required: Special Chicken Feed (obtained in Westfall) |
The Following Pets Can be Purchased From The Darkmoon Faire | |||
48 | Tree Frog | Neutral | Flik - Darkmoon Faire |
49 | Wood Frog | Neutral | Flik - Darkmoon Faire |
The Following Pets Can Be Obtained With Fishing | |||
50 | Magical Crawdad | Neutral | Fishing in Skettis |
51 | Giant Sewer Rat | Neutral | Fishing in Dalaran Sewers |
The Following Pets Can Be Farmed | |||
52 | Azure Whelpling | Neutral | Farmed in Azshara from Blue Dragonkin |
53 | Black Tabby Cat | Horde | Farmed in Silvermoon from Dalaran rare Spawn - Spellscribe |
54 | Dark Whelpling | Neutral | Farmed in Duskwallow Marsh from Black Dragonkin |
55 | Green Whelpling | Neutral | Farmed in Swamp of Sorrows from Green Whelps |
56 | Red Whelpling | Neutral | Farmed in Wetlands from Red Whelps |
57 | Disgusting Oozling | Neutral | Farmed off any LVL 50+ Ooze or Slimes (in the Ooze Covered Bags they drop) |
58 | Firefly | Neutral | Farmed off the Stingers East of Harbourage in Zangamarsh |
The Following Pets Can Be Obtained During World Events | |||
59 | Mr Wiggles | Children's Week | |
60 | Peanut | Children's Week | |
61 | Peddle Feet | Love Is In The Air | |
62 | Wolpertinger | Brewfest | |
63 | Winter's Little Helper - Red | Wintervale | |
64 | Winter's Little Helper - Green | Wintervale | |
65 | Winter Reindeer | Wintervale | |
66 | Tiny Snowman | Wintervale | |
67 | Vampire Batling | Hallow's End | |
68 | Sinister Squashling | Hallow's End | |
69 | Scorchling | Summer Flame Festival | |
70 | Spirit of Summer | Summer Flame Festival | |
71 | Whiskers The Rat | Children's Week | |
72 | Sleepy Willy | Children's Week | |
73 | Egbertt | Children's Week | |
74 | Speedy | Children's Week | |
The Following Pets are Very Difficult to Obtain, or Are No Longer Available | |||
75 | Stinker | Neutral | Rewarded after Obtaining 50 Vainity Pets |
76 | Mojo | Neutral | Obtained in Zul'Aman from a random Hex Stick turn in |
77 | Baby Blizzard Bear | Neutral | Obtained for logging on during Blizz's aniversary |
Clockwork Robot | Neutral | Obtained from Wintervale 2007 | |
Blizzcon Pets | Neutral | Murky | |
Collector's Edition Pets | Neutral | Netherwhelp, Frosty, Mini Diablo, Panda Cub, Zergling | |
Card Game Pets | Neutral |
You'll Notice that I have included the 75 Pets you can acquire to get the Lil Game Hunter Achievement and the Baby Fawn Pet. This will take a long time of course, because you can only get two of the Children's Week pets a year, and some pets are not available until the appropriate World Event. Other than the wait however, getting 75 vanity pets is actually possible!!! (at first I didn't believe it was)
GOOD LUCK! And feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions or e-mail me at lilgamergirl@gmail.com
** As an after note, I forgot to add a few pets to my list!!! There are 4 different crock pets you can get from the fishing daily. They are just random from the bag of fishing treasures, but I hear you can only get them from the quest that sends you to fish a crock out of the Stormwind Canals. I'm not sure about this though, so I just do all the fishing dailies I can.
The second is a Kirin Tor Familiar. This is a difficult pet to get, and I am still working away on it! Once I get it however, I will post a seperate detailed blog about how to get it! =)
this is a great guide, I'd been toying with the idea of trying to find all the little pets I could get :)
The Westfall Chicken can now be obtained by the horde, though I forget the NPC that sells the special feed for them.
Sprite Darter Hatchling quests are alliance only, but horde can get it as a rare drop from killing sprite darters in Feralas.
Also, Dealer Rashad sells the Red Moth far more often than you can ever find it at Sixx :)
Thanx ^^ I didn't know they'd made the chicken and sprite darter available to horde or about the red moth!
I've been meaning to update a few of my WoW blogs since 3.10! Especially this one since they added 10 or so pets for the Aragent Tournament and also a new Noblegarden bunny pet! I've been too busy working away at getting all of them for now though ><
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