For each of the following questions, record the letters listed at the end of the option ( out of O,K,N,J,H,G,F,B,V) that you choose, on a sheet of paper. For example, if you chose option a from question #1, you would record "K,J,G". Do not peek ahead and see what they represent because you'll spoil it!
1) You're fighting a nasty gnoll and know it's toast after only three more hits, when all of a sudden it takes off and pulls three of it's friends! What do you do?
a)GTFO (run away) -K, J, G
b)Chase after the almost dead gnoll, kill him, then run away -H, G, J, V
c)Destroy the gnoll and then turn on his friends, you never run away! -F, O, B, N, V
d)Message your level 70 friend and tell them to come help you kill stupid gnolls. -K, J
2) You're in an instance and an item you could use drops, who else do you have to roll against?
a)Basically everyone in the group, but I don't mind, if I am meant to get it, I'll win! -K, F, G
b)A few other people, but my chances are good. -B, N, V, H
c)Just one other person, and they don't really need it! -J
d)No one! I am the only one here that could use it. -O
e)I'd just ninja it anyways, so this question does not apply to me... -H, B
3) The guild you are in needs a tank and a healer for tomorrow night, what do you do?
a)respec so I can help them out. -N, O
b)hope that they find someone so that the raid is not cancelled. -H, V, B, K,
c)get one of my friends to help out. -G, K
d)find a new guild because this one sucks. -F, J
4) When leveling, you prefer which of the following?
a)To level alone and level quickly. -F, N, B, V
b)To level alone, but I'm not in a rush. I want to take my time and learn my class. -G, H, O, J
c)To level with a close friend. (who may be my level, or level 70...) -K, J, O
d)To level by doing only instances! -K, J
5) Your guild tells you they need you to respec. What do you do?
a)Tell them no way! You are and have always been the same spec and that isn't changing for anyone! -H, B
b)Tell them you will, but only if they pay for it. -K, V, O, J, N, G
c)Say no, you would if you could, but you like your spec. -F, G
d)Eagerly agree, you love to help out! -N, J, O, K
6)Someone randomly asks you if you'd like to group up and do some quests, you say:
a)Sure! The more the merrier. -K, G, J
b)You check their guild first, if they are from something that is well known, you agree, otherwise you say no thank you. -O, N, F, B
c)You are already grouped with a friend and the two of you agree to say no. -J, H, V
d)You put them on your ignore list, stupid noobs... -B, F, H
Alright, now quickly look over your sheet of paper and add up how many of each letter you have recorded, how many B's or F's or K's etc, and figure out which one you have the most of.
Mostly O's? Try a Paladin!
Mostly K's? Try a Priest!
Mostly N's? Try a Druid!
Mostly J's? Try a Warrior
Mostly H's? Try a Rogue!
Mostly G's? Try a Mage!
Mostly F's? Try a Warlock!
Mostly B's? Try a Hunter!
Mostly V's? Try a Shaman!
Want more info on the classes?? Check out my blog: What Class Should I Play?
I hope this was helpful and fun! =D
I'm still crying, I still cannot pick a class in this game. If I told you how long I've been playing and the fact I don't have a 70...you'd laugh so hard. I'm so torn between a mage/hunter/rogue/druid...and a touch of some others. My main issue is I love PvP and when I get in a BG I end up wanting to roll whatever class owns my butt. I never had this problem when I played SWG...what's my deal?
Well there will always be a class that "owns your butt" in PvP no matter what class you are playing =) That's just how it works, lol. As for a choice between a mage/hunter/rogue/ druid... that's a tough one! Out of those 4 classes I only have a 70 druid, and I never PvP with her... I guess all I can suggest is just keep on rolling alts and playing them! Eventually you'll get a character that will just feel right for you. =) Did you take the quiz?? What did you get if you did?
I actually stumbled onto your site through a google search for quizzes to help me try and pick a toon. I did take your quiz and ironically enough...nothing stood out. I had 3's for a couple of letters. I did like the uniqueness of your quiz though. Oh well, I'm sure I'll fall into my character soon...and it better be soon. I need a 70 before WotLK. Oh, I also found it funny that I'm also playing on Thrall, 39Mage/19Rogue/10Hunter and a couple others.
Aw that sucks that nothing stood out, a few other people have gotten like 3s of a few different classes as well. (me included, lol) That's cool that you play on Thrall! I only know a couple people on there so it gets lonley when I try and play my mage, lol. What's one of ur character names?? Maybe I'll send you a whisper and bug you sometime!
So I wrote this somewhat long post and Blogger had an error and I lost it. Basically I think I'm putting PvP first and I shouldn't do that. While I love PvP, I hate when I'm in a group with a PvP oriented toon like a rogue, I feel like I'm not helping the group. I want a class that is wanted and not just a DPS slot. So I think I'm going to try a shaman, maybe a druid as I have had a druid to 26 before and they are fun. But since we have a druid already I'll try shaman. You can find me in game on either Tictok my mage or Squidbilly my new shaman. Hope to see you around.
soooo, I was tied in letters for a pally and a worrier.......both or which I have and love! Kudos on an awesome quiz! It was fun! XD
Heehee nice! Yeah I was going through my old blogs and found this one, thought it'd be interesting you see what you got! BtWs your name sounds DIRTY, lmao except that I know it's origins... NICE!
My friend has once again succeeded in his allure rolls to have me return to wow. I've already played several classes to the cap and the only two that I haven't played at all came up on this quiz as my best choices. (the shaman and the druid) Im going to try playing a druid next, thanks for the awesome quiz. :)
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