Part of Your Alliance
(to the tune of Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid)
Look at this gear
Isn't it sweet?
Wouldn't you think my whole set's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm a ghoul
The ghoul who has ev'rything?
Look at this dagger
Check out that buff
How can one rogue get all of this stuff?
Right click and inspect me you'll see
(WoW!) she's got everything!
I've got HP and Crit Chance aplenty
I've got trinkets and enchantments galore
(You seen the BT gems?
I got twenty!)
But I dont care
Sure I own
But I want more!
I wanna be where the Alliance are
I wanna be
Wanna be a draenei!
Dancin' around on those
(Whad'ya call 'em?) oh - hooves!
Lookin like this you don't make new friends
Undead aren't know for socializing
Smelling like you've been decaying for
(How long has it been again?) oh, eternity!
Over where they dance
Over where they play
Over where they hang out in the Stockade!
Private not Scout
Wish I could shout
I'm an Alliance!
What would I trade
If I could stay
In Stormwind Castle
What would I stab
To get a slab
Of Stormwind Brie
Betcha those Allies
They don't cannibalize
Bet cha they don't eat their fallen foes
Dwarves and Humans
Gnomes and Nightelves
So sick of Barrens
I'm ready to learn the Alliance Quests
Kill Orcs and Taurens
And even some Bloodelves!
What's an Elekk like?
And how in the world does it run?
Shardin' these epics
Rollin' a Draenei
Transferring my gold over in Booty Bay
Its gonna be so fun
Staring over as level one
As part of the Alliance!
That sounds a lot like the little mermaid song.
good =) it's supposed to... lol
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