Dear Blog,
Oh it's been such a long time since I've played a game I loved this much! Nothing ropes me in like a good story with rich lore and history and a bit of romance! I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit that I am in total <3 with Allistar! He's just so goofy and cute, and the rose! *heart melts* If only he was real... and you know, I was a warrior tainted by the blood of the blight destined to rid the world of the archdemon while restoring peace and order... lol.
I played this game for a week, and did absolutely nothing else! Wake up, Dragon Age, sleep, wake up, Dragon Age, sleep, and repeat! By the end of it I'd built my own little fortress of pop cans, plates and chip bags, lol so I had some serious cleaning to do to avoid creating a blight of my very own in the living room, but it was worth it!
I get so into games when you can chose what your character is like! The character customization wasn't bad, a good variety of face variables to play with, but as with most games I would have liked to see MORE HAIR STYLES! I know, I know, it's probably not something a lot of people are concerned with, but damnit why can't more games have a good variety of hair styles and colours!? It can't be that hard to create them and just throw them in there... can it?? I would have liked to maybe see a paragon vs renegade type bar that filled up during the game, like in Mass Effect, but I wasn't disappointed with my character's range of responses to questions and situations. Had Bioware made my character actually speak, like in Mass Effect, well that would have been very cool, but as it was, your character is limited to yelling out things during battle or while picking locks. The graphics were somewhat lacking, but to be honest I barely even noticed once I got into the game.
My favorite character was of course Allistar, but I also liked Zevran! That cute little bisexual elf always had interesting things to say, and I was quite glad I didn't kill him! Lelliana was cool, but also kind of annoying, and Morrigan I liked, although she always disapproved of everything. Sten was an interesting fellow, and I loved Shale, who is available in The Stone Prisoner downloadable content pack. Oghren I absolutely hated, lol I have no time for rude drunken dwarves and was sad when he wasn't killed. Wynn was handy, yaaa healer, but she was also so preachy! Lol, what can you expect from a elderly spirit healer I guess... Loghain I haven't played with in my party yet, but obviously I hate him.
As for dowloadable content, I got all three that are available so far, The Blood Dragon Armor of course came with the game, and The Stone Prisoner lets you get the party member Shale, the flamboyant golem (though I guess he should be flamboyant, since he's a she, lol). Warden's Keep sounded like a good idea, You get a chest in which to put all of the equipment you don't want to carry around, but don't want to sell, but I was under the impression that once you cleared out the keep, you would get it as a base. That isn't the case, you can just stop there in your travels and there's two vendors out front. I was somewhat disappointed about that.
The different Origin stories are fantastic, I'd have to say my favorites are either the Mage, the Human Noble or the Dwarf Noble. My first character to finish the game with was a mage, and had my boyfriend not been sitting beside me at the time, I would have actually cried when Allistar and I broke up, hahaha. I was so mad that my grand scheme to make Allistar king and myself queen was thwarted that I actually stopped playing for a couple hours and reloaded my game to redo it and make sure Allistar and I stayed together (if only real life was so simple, lol). I have recently made a human noble rogue, which I am pretty sure CAN be queen! We will see. I won't give much away about the ending in case anyone who reads this hasn't finished the game yet, but I will say that I went with Morrigan's ending, though that was hard seeing as I am in love with Allistar, lol. I believe there are 4 main endings to complete to get the achievement, but will update for sure once I finish it!
It takes a really good game to keep me playing once I finish it, I haven't even played Mass Effect through enough times to get all the achievements yet, but I intend to with Dragon Age!
As a final note, it was very enjoyable killing Dr.Frankenfurter, I had recently watched Rocky Horror Picture Show, and didn't like it, lol so I smiled lots when I fireballed his face off!
C'mon Bioware! GIVE ME MORE DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT! Maybe an expansion!? Oh I'm excited! <3
Just a random fellow blogger/gamer who swung through your page.
Dragon Age is a very good game. If you liked it a lot, you should look into digging up the Baldur's Gate series for the computer; namely the sequel, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
Best. Game. Evar.
Thanx for the comment! =) I loved the Baldur's Gate games, and haven't played them in years... perhaps I will find them while I wait on the release of Return to Ostagar! hehe ^^
hi ther.. this is the first time i play a game like dragon age(rpg or watever) i am more a FIFA/sports guy
i am not into reading that much in games as it makes me tired.. but like i started playing this game and want to get into it..
i am playin with a elf dude.. but not sure wat to level up or even buy?
i am level 6,and have a dog,
you seem to be a expert.. is there anyway i can NOT play with the rest of my party..it all seems so overwhelming and so much to do?(like during fights,or leveling up etc)
Hi Devon! You can play without your party by just not selecting anyone in the party selection screen, but you will probably find the fights difficult without their help! At times you will need to have a certain member in your party for the story to progress, but if you want to play solo for the most part, that's definitely possible. My recommendation would be to try and get the hang of playing with a full party though! It is complicated at first, but you'll get the hang of it and I just found your party adds to the game!
thanks ma'am..
last night i tried playing with the party.. i have to admit.. they do do most of the fighting..i just stand around and look pretty..i am a Danish elf i think,and since i read your blog about the game..ever gift i get i just keep giving it to morrigon(or something like that,but she is in my party.. and the only one with boobs) in my bid to win her heart...
i am only level 7 so i have quite a while to go i pressume.. but any suggestion on wat to get/buy to make my character like better..
i see u a WoW/Dot player.. so in Dota terms.. what in Dragon age = to a battlefury + Butterfly+boots of travel+Divine rapier (if you get my picture)
ooh i know this is the comment section.. and its seems like i am having a conversation.. so i apologise to all the folk reading my long boring text
Hm, what class of Elf are you playing Devon?? Sorry if you mentioned that and I have just missed it, hehe. Really for the most part I just wore the gear I found as I played through, but if I know your class I might be able to suggest some pieces to aim for! XD
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