Once again, I must apologize for slacking off with my posts! It's summer time, and whenever I haven't been gaming, I've been outside enjoying the sun! I haven't been slacking off on my gaming however!!!
On a recent trip to a family cottage I got in some much overdue quality Rock Band 2 time, which was a refreshing change from my diligent WoW schedule! I also have been perfecting my anime drawing skillz, which lets me draw game characters better! So worry not dear fellow gamers, you are not losing me to the real world yet! ;D
Onto my post...
So Sylvadora is my newest *main* in World of Warcraft. I rolled her on a RPPvP server after my Regular PvE server began to bore me and every guild I had joined crumbled to the ground. A few RL people I knew played on this RPPvP server, so I figured I'd give it a try. I must say the PvP aspect adds a lot of excitement to the game! I really think after leveling 2 80s on the PvP server, that leveling on my PvE server again will be somewhat boring!
So I just recently got Sylva to 80, and decided I would attempt to find her a guild. I wasn't looking for anything that was like RAID EVERY NIGHT PROGRESSING THROUGH ULDAR 25! or anything, I just wanted a group of people who might want to run heroics with me from time to time. I had only asked in general a few times over one day when a nice hunter invited me to his guild. It was cool because right away he asked me what I wanted to do, so we went and did some dailys together and chatted a bit. I logged off that day feeling positive about my guild choice, but unfortunately when I logged on the next day, THE GUILD HAD FALLEN APART! I moped around for a few hours, still in the guild with it's like 3 other members that hadn't been online in 4 months, deciding that I was WoW Guild Poison =(
A previous member of the guild messaged me later on in the day, and explained nicely that the guild master had decided to abandon their guild and join up with another guild which was having more success than they were. The previous member asked if I also would like to join, even though I had only been with them for a day, and I graciously accepted!
So now little Sylvadora has herself a guild! They run heroics with me, chat with me, do PvP with me, and even bring me to Naxx! The guild master is actually GOOD at being a guild master, which I haven't seen since my days back in Lords of Hatred (oh how I miss those ppls!), and they address any issues with their members quickly, which makes me lotsa happy! As a bonus, they are also raiding Ulda, which I am not quite geared enough for yet, but at least I know it will be open to me whenever I get there! The name of the guild is even good, which is more than I can say for like any guild I've been in this year. It's called North Storm =D which has a nice ring to it I believe!
So, for any of you WoWers who are missing your old guilds and unable to find a new one that compares... Don't give up!!! All it takes is a bit of good timing and good luck apparently =) There are still good guilds out there!
That's all from me today, I'm going to do some Wintergrasp! Hehe, I will blog more later ^^
*As an after note, I am pretty sure this guild is done for like within the month... Guild drama, lol crushes guilds even when they are full of potential...