Working towards getting your Violet Proto-Drake?? Me too! Here is my guide to completing all the Midsummer Fire Festival Achievements in just one sitting! (This will get you the title "Flame Warden" as well!)
Alright, so assuming you are starting with NONE of the Midsummer gear, you are going to need 400 Burning Blossoms. Seem like a lot of work and many dailies?? Well, it's not! You will only need to do the quests once!
Here's a quick breakdown:
Sandals of Summer (200 Blossoms) + Vestment of Summer (100 Blossoms) + Mantle of the Fire Festivall (100 Blossoms) = Complete Midsummer Set (400 Blossoms)
So how are you going to get all the Burning Blossoms you need for your set?? Simple! By doing the Fires of Azeroth and Desecration of the Horde/Alliance achievements. You will receive 5 Blossoms per Flame that you Honor, and 10 Blossoms per Flame that you Desecrate. For Alliance, this will get you 460 Burning Blossoms, and for Horde this will get you 470 Burning Blossoms. Also, you will get 100 Burning Blossoms for stealing your opposing faction's flames. This will leave you will more than enough for the whole Midsummer set!
See maps below for all Flame locations!
You will need the set in order to complete the Burning Hot Pole Dance Achievement. Once you have the set, just click on the ribbon pole and let your character spin around for 60 seconds. It's very easy!
For the King of the Fire Festival achievement, you will need to steal the 4 Capital City Flames from your opposing race. Each flame is an item you receive by "opening" the flame. Then the item starts a quest which will send you back to one of your Capital City Flames. Once you turn in all 4, you will get the achievement and the Midsummer helm.
(Note: Paladins can pick these up while in bubble. Also, if you are getting owned and can't get it, try rezzing right on, but behind the Flame, usually the players around won't notice you until you've had a chance to grab it!)
For the Torch Juggler achievement, you will need to acquire 15-20 Juggling Torches from the daily torch juggling quest. They are not soul bound, so if you only have one character, and don't want to make 2-3 alts to get these, you can probably just buy them in the auction house. Once you have them, make your way to Dalaran, find a nice secluded corner, set them to your action bar, target the ground right beneath you, and spam them like crazy. Also a very easy achievement!
For the Ice The Frost Lord achievement, all you have to do is get into a group and kill Ahune. He is in the Slave Pens in Zangarmarsh and is summonable once a day per character. He is a 70, so you'll want to be at least level 70, and he is two man-a-ble at 80 if you're geared/experienced enough. There's no pre-requisite to summon him.
Here are some maps that helped me Honor/Desecrate/Steal all the Flames I needed in just one sitting! (I printed them off so I didn't have to keep minimizing to look at them, and planned out where I'd travel by drawing on the print out. Of course, I ran into some nasty hordes and had to bubble-hearth a few times, so planning my path didn't really help, lol)

I hope all this helps you get your achievements and get them quickly!!! Also, if you have Blossoms left over, be sure to grab the pet from the midsummer festival vendor to go towards your Little Game Hunter achievement. Also, Ahune has a chance to drop a pet!!
Best of Luck!
LGG <3
FYI there's fires in Northrend now, in every zone except Icecrown and Wintergrasp, which can net you another 120 Burning Blossoms.
It's still not enough to get every prize in a single year, but it can save you a lot of dailies going for, say, the full midsummer set and the pet :)
Awesome, I wasn't aware of that! Thanx!! =D
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