So it's been 15 hours of play time and I am still into my new mage! She is now level 21 and I have to say that leveling her has been the most fun I have had on WoW in months! I guess it must just be the Draenei starting area quests combined with the awesomeness of Gift of the Naru, because I have been having a (fire)blast! (lawl) . . . I have been leveling as fire, and am now level 21. No one's usually on in the guild I am in (which is all people from the town I live in) so it does kind of get lonely over on Thrall sometimes, but thankfully a few Blog readers have added me to their friends lists and say hello every so often, and the server itself seems rather friendly. I was surprised how many times random people have offered me assistance or given me little things to help me make my way on the new server a little easier.
Overall my experiences with Meicha have been pleasant, and I have yet to get grumpy or frustrated with the game while playing her! In fact I have only died once, which is a big change from all the previous mages I have played! Lets hope that keeps up all the way to 70!!
*oh, and I have made another character on Thrall now as well, just for fun! She is Kaylea the NE Druid, and yes I do already have a 70 Druid, but I wanted something to level with my friend*
Here I am in the armory: Meicha
u just persuaded me to make a draenei mage :D
Okay way off topic do you ever play any of the Xbox Live Arcade games and if so which one do you like the best?
No I dont really play any of the arcade games... I used to play Zuma and Hexix but I mostly just play CoD or RockBand when Im on xbox now =)
GTA IV on XBOX 360 Live, enough said
Girl, boo WoW. Play Conan with me! I love finding real girl gamers, not just girls who play on their boyfriend's accounts and call themselves gamers!
I have wanted to try out Conan, but my computer is not nearly good enough! Hopefully sometime I will get a chance to play it though =)
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