For any of you Oblivion fans out there who are looking to add some content to your game, but aren't sure which of the many packs you should download, I'll go over them all quickly in this post. I have them all, so hopefully I can help you save some microsoft points, or encourage you to spend some!

Shivering Isles Expansion Pack: This will cost you
2400 Microsoft points, but it will give you about 30 hours of play time in the new area and you have to have this pack to get all the Shivering Isles acheivements! If you are looking for more playable content for your game, obviously this is the extra content you should get! It's an interesting place with cool quests, and well worth the Microsoft points if you have them!
Knights of the Nine Pack: This pack will cost you
800 Microsoft points, but it is a lot of fun! You end up with some nice armor and weapons, a cool base and minions! I'd definitely say it is worth getting if you are looking for some new content, although if you are choosing between this pack and the Shivering Isles, go with the Shivering Isles! It has more play time and you get the achievements.
Horse Armor: I would not recommend getting this pack! It will cost you
200 Microsoft points, and it is armor for your horse... If you are really worried about your poor horses getting killed, do the assassin's guild quests and get Shadowmare. He cannot be killed, is super fast and looks awesome. Also, if you need somewhere to put a few of those extra weapons, you can knock him out, fill him up, and ride away. (Cruel, but handy!)
The Orrey: This add on is only
150 Microsoft points, and it is kind of cool. You get to rebuild this giant mechanical star map thing for a quest and it looks neat when you're finished it. You can then get buffs from it depending on the phases of the moon. Of course it isn't an essential download, but it is fun if you are looking for a little quest and something new.
Wizard's Tower: This is a base that you can purchase for
150 Microsoft Points. If you are the magic user type, you should chose this download if you are looking into getting only one. All the downloadable bases cost a fair bit of money to upgrade to their intended glory though, so be prepared to fork over your hard earned gold!
The Thieve's Den: For
150 Microsoft points, this is my favorite out of the downloadable bases! You get to take over this pirate cove and send your crew out to plunder for you! Although it's not quite as fancy as the other bases, you do get to hang out with pirates and make 1000G a week from their plundering! It is designed to be for stealthy characters.
The Vile Lair: This base will cost you
150 Microsoft points as well. If you are playing as a vampire character, this is the base for you! It is pretty cool, especially if you are an evil character, and there is even an alter to cure your vampirism at if you want to.
Fighter's Stronghold: This is the newest of the downloadable bases and also costs
150 Microsoft points. It is a really cool castle that even has secret passageways, so if I wasn't so attached to my Thieve's Den, I am sure I would like this base best! It will cost you a lot to upgrade, but looks nice once you do, and once you've started upgrading you can purchase a special forge for it.
Spell Tomes: These cost
80 Microsoft points to add to your game, and they are handy. Basically you will find them on things you kill and as soon as you read them they will make you learn a spell. The 80 points that they cost is a reasonable price for new easy to learn spells.
Mehrunes' Razor: This pack will cost you
250 Microsoft points and is fun. It adds a large dungeon that you fight through to gain the powerful Mehrune's Razor, which has a chance to kill enemies in one hit. I think it is worth the points, and would recommended getting it if you are interested in seeing a new dungeon and some new items.
Thanks for the advice. You are hot.
haha np and ty =)
to get a thousand gold a week do u need the theives den at the highest or just some of it.
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