That's right, if I don't get my daily WoW intake, I start to get the shakes! Well, it really isn't that bad actually, but I don't believe I have gone more than a few days without logging on to World of Warcraft since I started playing it in June 2005. Like so many girl WoWers out there, I originally started playing with my boyfriend. He got the game as soon as we got a decent Internet connection, and convinced me to try it with him.
My first character was a human paladin. Basically my boyfriend at the time had described it to me as a warrior who could heal themselves, so I thought that sounded pretty unbeatable, and went with it. It's been a long time since I found myself standing outside the Northshire Abby with only a few copper and grey gear!
Almost right away I became interested in the "guilds" that you could make and join in WoW, and decided that when I was a high enough level I would make one of my own! So at level 35 on October 18th, 2005, I figured that was high enough to be able to help other players out and recruit members, so I made The Pink Fluffy Kittens. I always just wanted it to be a fun guild and I really wanted a pink tabard. I never expected it to have more than a few members, and really I intended for it to be a "no boys allowed" guild, but lots of guys wanted in, so I threw away that idea almost right away. I loved being a guild master! I helped out all my members, made a website, ran fun little events like scavenger hunts and trivia games and just had a ton of fun with it.
Eventually the fun of running a guild faded, and after 2 years and 300 members, I let it sort of fall apart. It's still there today with all mine and my friend's alts in it, and I believe it is one of the oldest guilds on my realm. I've since gotten into raiding, something that I could never convert my leveling and fun based guild into. I never really got a chance to raid the pre-Burning Crusade content because I was busy leveling other characters and just having light-hearted fun with the game. When Burning Crusade came out I had four level 60 characters; my Paladin, a Warrior, a Druid and a Priest.
The Burning Crusade was awesome. I had never played on the horde side because all the races were just too ugly for me, but the BC brought Bloodelves to the horde, which I loved. I never thought I'd make it through Outland on all my 60s, so I decided that I'd only worry about leveling my Paladin because she has always been my favorite. After my first time through all the quests however, I found it more fun to level in than Azeroth, so I spent a lot of time leveling there and getting characters to level 58 so that I could take them there! Today I have 6 level 70 characters, my original 4 that I had at 60, a Warlock and Draenei Shaman. Basically I could go on forever about the Burning Crusade and Draenei and Bloodelves and how great it all is, but I won't, because if anyone is reading this who plays, they already know, lol.
I guess the reason WoW has kept me hooked for so long now is because of all the different things you can do in the game! Like, leveling takes a long time, I think my average character that I don't rush is about 20 days worth of play time to get to level 70. Then there are professions, that you can level from 1 to 375. You can have 2 main ones on every character, as well as 3 secondary ones. I like having everything maxed when I get a character to level 70.... so that takes SO MUCH TIME. Then there's raiding, which was like 16 hours a week. There's PvP battlegrounds and Arenas and raiding Horde cities and just SO MUCH CONTENT that I have never ever gotten bored with the game, and they have a new expansion coming out sometime, so I doubt I will get bored of it any time soon. . .
Really, I don't spend nearly as much time playing other games these days because WoW takes up so much of my time, but compared to WoW, most games seem lacking in some way. Basically, World of Warcraft is the best game I have ever, and probably will ever play!
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